A place I stay for studying for a while
Hard to say love it or hate it
(compare to my beloved Taiwan)
Walk on the street, taking bus or subway...people looking at you.
staring, I should say. Yes. STARING at you.
Or sometimes even gazing, GAZE!
Oftenly, I’m not sure if I wear something that’s so wrong to draw their attentions; something weird on my face, or I just look freak?
Ignore, I do that a lot, with my book and music.
Further more, people talk to you, for correcting. Ya, that's right, they correct you. Such as riding bike on pavement, put your feet on the seat, and even the language you use that YOU THOUGHT you were talking only between friends.
hey! D’you mind?!
It’s not your business at all when there’s no policemen, and even when I am not against any laws!