
P.S. I love you.

如果在半年內重複看同一部片三次以上,除了說明我真的很喜歡這部片以外,是不是也說明了我可能對這部片帶了一點狂執(狂熱與執著)?可能故事中的某個角色或某個片段觸碰或悸動我心裡的某個角落(soft spot),甚或是連結?反正我就是放不下這部片,暫時。姑且不論劇本本身是否過於催淚煽情,總之對付我這個哭點極低的觀影者是綽綽有餘,至少目前看到第三次,眼腫如核桃是無一倖免。為此,外子很不愛我看這部片,一聽到那輕快的吉他配上愛爾蘭口音的歌聲,他就會立刻走進房間給我個白眼外加警告:「Don't watch it! Everytime when you watch it, you cry your eyes out!」(which is never....wrong. :P)

ps. I love you

圖片來源:IMDB《P.S. I love you》

《P.S. I love you》裡有許多片段讓我印象深刻,或說...他們都是我喜歡的片段吧。

片段一:Holly和Gerry吵架,兩個人大吼,離開,不一會兒又互相道歉(當然還有Gerry的sexy dance)(這些都跟我和外子的相處很像,因為 I am always bitchin' about bills, and he's the one who doesn't really care, but in the end, it's he who's doing the sexy dance....oops! too much information)

片段二:Gerry的告別式(包括Gerry的骨灰罈(箱?!)是由Holly設計而成、Gerry最愛的一首歌《Fairytale of New York》、Denise(by Lisa Kudrow)的pick-up line:
「Are you single? (if “Yes”)
Are you gay? (if "No")
Are you working? (if "Yes")
then try kiss a sec to see if there're sparkles.」(direct but efficient!)、大家祝福Gerry上路的方式)


片段四︰party in a gay bar, and play “Snaps”(Snaps is the name of the game and the name of the game is Snaps....did you figure it out? go here to find out)

片段五:Holly醉了和Daniel在餐廳儲藏室的對話...a big haha

片段六:Holly had a huge hang over but ran back for the first letter that Gerry'd left her

片段七:Gerry 請了一個唱歌送信人,Holly搶過了信,接著把門甩在送信人臉上,也不讓人對她唱歌。然後Holly讀了信,完全可以聽到Gerry的回答。(恩...給親愛的人寫信,在寫的當下總能想像到他/她的反應,這種親暱默契不是輕易能被任何人取代)

片段八:Holly 第一次被激上卡拉OK舞台唱歌,然後摔個鼻青臉腫...another big haha。Holly和好友們又造訪卡拉OK,Denise發表對男人的看法:
「After centuries of men, looking at my tits instead of my eyes, and pintching my asses instead of shacking my hands, I now have a devine right to stare a man from back side with vulgar, cheap appreciation, if I want to! 」(you go, girl!),
Holly又為Gerry上台唱歌《I love you 'till the end》

片段九:在吧裡的一角,Holly告訴Daniel a sacred secret:
「We have absolutely no idea what we want~」

片段十:Gerry安排Holly和好友們去了一趟愛爾蘭之旅(包括給Sharon”big mama”和Denise的信、去了愛爾蘭酒吧聽到Holly和Gerry的定情曲《The Galway Girl》、三個人釣魚然後被釣(救)、再次巧遇William竟然是Gerry的死黨、去拜訪Gerry的父母然後重溫Holly和Gerry相識的過程←My favorite!)

片段十一︰Holly終於離開床,開始做事(設計鞋子),然後終於去見了避了好久不見、在試穿婚紗的Denise:「...All because of my best friend couldn't stand me being so happy! why?! why is that?! 'cause our lives were moving on and you weren't the center of the attention anymore?!」and Holly很誠實而冷靜的說:「Yes.」Denise:「Really?」(感到意外而且抱歉地趕快抱住Holly)(就連在生活中,都很少能看到有誰能冷靜的面對別人,甚至好友,對他的指控然後誠實以對)

Holly asked:「Did you hate Gerry because he reminded you of dad?」

Mom:「(nod)... a little.」
Mom:「You know the worst thing for a parent? It's that watching your child head for the same life you had, and you can't stop it! It's a terrible, helpless feeling, makes you angry all the time. 」
Mom:「If we are all alone, then we're all together in that, too.」




除了Holly和Gerry的感情令人動容外,在這部片裡還有好幾個人的角色都是我很欣賞的。譬如暗戀Holly卻老是說錯話,必須因為自己的“沒禮貌“而吃藥的Daniel(真的是一個很不幸運的傢伙)。還有Denise和Sharon及Holly的深摯友情,不知道外子會跟我的哪一個好友說:「You're so ganna go to heaven for being my wife's best friend.」。還很喜歡Holly的妹妹還有媽媽—Patricia(by Kathy Bates),Bates是一個戲精級的演員,演好人壞人都好看,這部片讓她看起來臉上有光芒,年輕漂亮許多。至於本片兩名smoking hot的男演員—Gerry (by Gerard Butler)和 William(by Jeffrey Dean Morgan)都不是來自愛爾蘭。Butler是蘇格蘭人,至於Morgan則是美國西雅圖人。(唉~就在我們被“我們所認為的“愛爾蘭的男子氣概迷得神魂顛倒的時候....但有機會還是會想去愛爾蘭瞧瞧啦。)

記得看完第一次的時候,我問外子,如果你先死了,化作一罈骨灰,你希望被放在哪裡?不待他回答,我說︰「我會把你放在你的電腦和所有的樂器邊,然後晚上我會把“你“抱到床邊陪我一起看一集的《Friends》(注)再入睡。而當我泡一杯咖啡給自己,我也會幫你泡一杯熱可可。」外子:「那我會把你放在你的Mac旁,旁邊有一大堆的書,每天我都會記得泡一杯咖啡給你,晚上依照慣例我們一起看《Friends》。」然後我深深擁抱著他好像我們已經是七老八十走過半輩子的老夫妻,而他或我就快要離開彼此般地捨不得。(很神經...I know)



《P.S. I love you》 by Nellie McKay

Dear, I thought I'd drop a line.
The weather's cool. The folks are fine.
I'm in bed each night at nine.
P.S. I love you.

Yesterday we had some rain,
but all in all I can't complain.
Was it dusty on the train?
P.S. I love you.

Write to the Browns just as soon as you're able.
They came around to call.
I burned a hole in the dining room table.
And let me see, I guess that's all.

Nothing left to tell you, dear.
Except, each day seems like a year.
Everybody's thinking of you.
P.S. I love you.
P.S. I love you.


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